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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hangover Cures New Year's Day

Hangovers are an unfortunate part of many holiday celebrations. But, if you weren't successful at how to prevent a hangover, then you may be in need of some Hangover Cures.

Unfortunately, there's nothing magic about curing hangovers, it takes time. Sleep and plenty of fluids is a good way to start. Some people swear by the "Hair of the Dog" and anyone who knows how to make a good Bloody Mary may be very popular on January 1st.

Bloody Mary:

* 3 oz tomato juice
* 1 1/2 oz vodka
* 1/2 oz lemon juice
* Worcestershire sauce to taste
* celery salt and ground pepper
* Tabasco sauce to taste
* celery stalk and/or lemon wedge for garnish

1. Combine the liquid ingredients and mix well
2. Add the seasonings to taste.
3. Pour over ice cubes
4. Garnish with the lemon and/or lime wedge and celery stalk.

There's also some good food for curing hangovers, or at least helping them along. It's no guarantee, but I'm willing to take my chances with pancakes and bacon any time.

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